How Do You Do Breathwork Meditation?

How Do You Do Breathwork Meditation?

Breathwork meditation is a practice that involves focusing on your breath to achieve a state of relaxation and mindfulness. It can be a powerful tool for reducing stress, increasing self-awareness, and promoting a sense of calm. There are various techniques you can...
Pain Management Experiment With Legal THC

Pain Management Experiment With Legal THC

So, I want to share a bit about my personal experiences with THC. Let me emphasize: I’m just talking about my personal experiences. Let me also emphasize that in my present location, THC is sold legally. This website IS NOT advocating for any type of illegal...
Afrin and Fluticasone

Afrin and Fluticasone

Something that merits a post is definitely a comparison/discussion of Afrin and Fluticasone. I have some thoughts on this topic that might help somebody…that is if anybody is ever able to find this website. So, I’ve been using Fluticasone…let’s...
Last day of Prednisone

Last day of Prednisone

November 29, 2021 So, I just completed the latest course of Prednisone. As I’ve discussed before, I’ve gone through the Prednisone scripts maybe four times or so since I had the major back surgery in August 2020. That was now 15.5 months ago. I’ll...
Last day of Prednisone

7th Day of Prednisone

Well, what can I say except it amazes me how well this anti-inflammatory pill works for me! If you’ve looked at this site at all you know that I had a major back surgery 15 months ago. It was a two level fusion from s4->L1. And, I must have been in pretty bad...
Last day of Prednisone

4th day back on Prednisone

So, it’s in the title: 4th day back on Prednisone today on November 19, 2021. I see on Nov. 8, 2021 I say that the inflammation is finally going down. And, that was the case. And, I stopped taking classes because of the inflammation. So, I’ve been going to...