CPAP machine shelf set-up

So, I already posted a pretty comprehensive article showing my CPAP machine unboxing and initial set-up.

Additionally, I’m keeping a CPAP machine usage and notes diary.

The next issue I encountered was figuring out the best and most convenient placement of the actual CPAP machine unit.

This might seem like a simple thing. Maybe you think you can just set it on the bed next to you. Unfortunately, they told me that it has to be at a lower level. Additionally, there’s water in it so you have to be careful that nothing spills.

And, there’s the hose, of course. And, you want the CPAP machine placed somewhere so the hose doesn’t have to stretch in some lengthy awkward way.

Okay, so let’s allow the pictures to do the talking and you’ll see what I mean. If you just got a CPAP machine and are trying to figure out where to put it…this may help.

Now, I built this little shelf myself. And, maybe not everybody can do that. I’m not a carpenter or anything. I’m just a guy who likes to build useful things. This was a quick-and-dirty build: about twenty minutes…I wasn’t out to make a beautiful piece of furniture. I just wanted a functional table-shelf that sat about a foot lower than my bed mattress.

Got some cheap discounted scrap wood from Home Depot

I didn’t want to spend a fortune on this. So, I went over to Home Depot and bought some cheap discounted (and kind of damaged) wood. But, I wasn’t out to make beautiful furniture. I just wanted something functional.

Home Depot discount wood

Home Depot discount wood

Quickly made this CPAP machine shelf

So, this was a really simple build lol. I think it took about 20 or 30 minutes. Yeah, it ain’t pretty. But, as you’ll see, it gets the job done.

CPAP shelf homemade

CPAP shelf homemade

Shelf with CPAP slides right behind bed

So, the picture below might be a little confusing. I have plywood on the mattress because I like to have the hard wood beneath my mattress. The CPAP shelf—as you can see—is pushed against the wall behind the bed. I tried just using the plywood sheet as a shelf at first, but I didn’t really like it. So, I made the little shelf as you can see. The CPAP machine fits very nicely on it.

bed with plywood and cpap shelf behind it

Bed with plywood and CPAP machine shelf behind it at a slightly lower level than the mattress

Comfy bed, body pillow and CPAP set-up

So, I use the body pillow because of my back surgery. Yes, I’m 50 years old, and I’ve got some problems! I like the CPAP placement here because the hose doesn’t have to stretch far to reach my face.

CPAP machine on shelf

This looks like a nice set-up, don’t you think?

Hose stretches very easily to my pillow

In the picture below, you can see that the CPAP hose has a short distance to reach my pillow. Also, notice how I’m using the shelf to hold my remote controls. Very convenient multi-tasking CPAP shelf!

CPAP shelp with hose extending to where my head would be when sleeping

CPAP shelp with hose extending to where my head would be when sleeping