My Post Spinal Fusion X-Rays

Here I’ll add a picture of my X-Ray after spinal fusion surgery. Notice the new hardware in there!

spinal fusion hardware cage

This is an X-ray of my spinal fusion hardware taken 6 MONTHS after spinal fusion surgery

spinal fusion x-ray 14 months after surgery

This is an X-ray of my spinal fusion hardware taken 14 MONTHS after spinal fusion surgery

I can’t make any promises to people I don’t know about anything.

But, if you ended up here, there’s probably a fair chance you have some type of very painful back problem.

I can tell you this: I was an absolute mess who wanted this life to end. I had herniated discs, a broken vertebrae, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. I felt like I had a knife in my side. My urination was really just…difficult and miserable and life totally sucked.

I’m now shooting baskets and swimming and dancing and enjoying life.

My life is NOT perfect. It is NOT absolutely pain free.

But, the level of improvement is so drastic that I really didn’t think it would have been possible a year ago.

So, can I say this to you: there is hope?