High Cholesterol and Fish Oil

High Cholesterol and Fish Oil

Introduction About My Fish Oil Cholesterol Dilemma Oh geez. The doctor said my good cholesterol was VERY GOOD. And, she said my bad cholesterol was VERY VERY VERY BAD. And, I listened on the phone feeling confused. I felt like I had cleaned my diet up pretty good....
Cpap Leakage 46%

Cpap Leakage 46%

I got my CPAP machine on November 18, 2021. And, on January 24, 2022 I had a CPAP check-up. I’m not sure what to call the appointment. I’ll just call it a check-up to receive a progress report. So, the doctor…This might seem like a harsh judgment,...
PT vs. Surgeon

PT vs. Surgeon

This post concerns my personal impressions of the different approaches I’ve noticed between physical therapists and my spine surgeon. This is something I’ve been thinking about. And, this is not a medical journal. My sample size is extremely small....