High Cholesterol and Fish Oil

High Cholesterol and Fish Oil

Introduction About My Fish Oil Cholesterol Dilemma Oh geez. The doctor said my good cholesterol was VERY GOOD. And, she said my bad cholesterol was VERY VERY VERY BAD. And, I listened on the phone feeling confused. I felt like I had cleaned my diet up pretty good....
What does PCP mean in medical terms?

What does PCP mean in medical terms?

PCP is a term that’s been coming up in my life a lot lately. I hear it particularly when talking to these people about the trouble I’m having getting the doctor to help me get the CPAP machine. So, PCP stands for either primary care physician or primary...
What does PCP mean in medical terms?

I Need A New General Doctor

I think a good rule of thumb is that when your doctor won’t return your calls it’s time to get yourself a new doctor. What do you think? People will no doubt ask: How long will he not return your calls for? How long has this been going on? Honestly,...
Getting ignored by the doctor

Getting ignored by the doctor

One thing that’s frustrating as hell is getting ignored by the doctor. You make a call. No response. You make another call to the doctor’s office. You leave another message. No response. So, you try again. Have you ever been in this situation? The CPAP...