Shooting baskets as source of my gluteal pain?

Shooting baskets as source of my gluteal pain?

So, I’ve been overdoing it a bit. Of course, I didn’t realize I was overdoing it. I didn’t realize it until the three-muscle gluteus pain started kicking in. AND NOT GOING AWAY! This is always scary in my post-fusion situation because it makes me...
Pain at the top of the butt

Pain at the top of the butt

If I were to try and be as specific as possible about the pain that’s been lingering…what I refer to as a flare-up…I’d say the pain is at the top of the butt…just a bit below the belt line and concentrated a bit more on the left side than...
Post Spinal Fusion Pain Is Scary

Post Spinal Fusion Pain Is Scary

Many times I’ll write in a way to emphasize that I’m talking about my personal experience. In other words, I’m usually inclined to write a title like this: I Find Pain Scary After My Spinal Fusion. You’ll notice, though, in the present case, I...