I had an InBody scan done yesterday at my gym. They offer it as a one-time free service. I went in with very low expectations. And, I came out of it impressed as hell!

Basically, you stand on the gizmo machine and that’s all there is to it. And, it amazes me the data that this simple little procedure reveals.

Here’s some of what I learned.

Body Composition Analysis

My weight is 181 and my height is 6’3″. I knew that part already.

The total amount of water in my body is 112 pounds.

My dry lean mass (for building muscles and strengthening bones) is 40.1 pounds.

My body fat mass for storing excess energy is 29.3 pounds.

Muscle-Fat Analysis

SMM Skeletal Muscle Mass 85.1

Body Fat Mass 29.3

Percent Body Fat 16.1

Segmental Lean Analysis

He told me it all looks good except for my trunk. In specific, TRANSVERSE ABDOMINALS. So, this is something I need to investigate. I need to learn more about how to strengthen the transverse abdominals.

Additional things the trainer told me

“Your core is really strong!”

IT bands are tight.

Pelvis tilting forward. Loosen hip flexors.

Pelvis posterior tilt

Nerd neck creates curvature in cervical spine

Lean body mass 152.1 pounds

Basal Metabolic Rate 1861

Research About InBody Scans

An InBody Scan: Body Composition Analysis Using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

An InBody scan is a modern body composition assessment tool that employs a technique called bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to evaluate various components of an individual’s body composition. BIA involves sending low-level electrical currents through the body to measure the impedance or resistance encountered by different types of tissues. By analyzing these impedance values, the InBody scan provides detailed information about body fat, muscle mass, water content, and other relevant measurements (InBody Co., Ltd., 2021).

During an InBody scan, the individual stands on a specialized platform with hand and foot electrodes. The device sends electrical currents through the body, which traverse tissues of varying composition, such as fat, muscle, and water. The impedance and reactance (phase angle of resistance) of the electrical currents are analyzed to estimate the relative proportions of different body components (Sergi et al., 2005).

Key measurements obtained from an InBody scan include:

  1. Body Fat Percentage: The proportion of total body weight consisting of fat tissue.
  2. Lean Body Mass: The aggregate weight of non-fat components, encompassing muscles, bones, organs, and water.
  3. Muscle Mass: The total mass of skeletal muscles in the body.
  4. Visceral Fat Level: The amount of fat surrounding internal organs, potentially linked to health risks.
  5. Total Body Water: The overall water content within the body, comprising intracellular and extracellular water.
  6. Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): The energy expenditure needed for basic physiological functions at rest.

InBody scans are utilized in various contexts, such as fitness assessment, weight management, tracking changes in body composition, and monitoring progress over time. These scans offer a practical and non-invasive way to gain insights into an individual’s body composition, aiding in goal setting and personalized health strategies.

However, it is important to note that BIA measurements, including those obtained from InBody scans, can be influenced by factors like hydration status and the accuracy of the test procedure. Consistency in testing conditions and proper interpretation by qualified professionals are essential for accurate assessment (Bosy-Westphal et al., 2018).

InBody scan devices are commonly found in fitness centers, healthcare facilities, and wellness settings. Consulting healthcare professionals or fitness experts for guidance on interpreting results and using the information effectively is recommended.


  • InBody Co., Ltd. (2021). How InBody Works. Retrieved from https://www.inbodyusa.com/pages/how-inbody-works.
  • Sergi, G., De Rui, M., Veronese, N., Bolzetta, F., Berton, L., Carraro, S., … & Manzato, E. (2015). Assessing appendicular skeletal muscle mass with bioelectrical impedance analysis in free-living Caucasian older adults. Clinical Nutrition, 34(4), 667-673.
  • Bosy-Westphal, A., Jensen, B., Braun, W., Pourhassan, M., Gallagher, D., Müller, M. J. (2018). Quantification of whole-body and segmental skeletal muscle mass using phase-sensitive 8-electrode medical bioelectrical impedance devices. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 72(4), 604-612.

Further research

I need to do further research about strengthening transverse abdominal and IT bands and pelvis tilt.