Another way to express the title is like this: Using people to change how you feel. This is something I’ve been thinking about lately. Do we all do this? Is it normal? It is bad? Does it depend? I decided to research this when I realized how some people use other people like a drug.

Human emotions are intricate and dynamic, often influenced by various internal and external factors. Among these factors, the interactions we have with people around us can significantly impact how we feel. Whether it’s a simple exchange of smiles, a heartfelt conversation, or a supportive gesture, human interactions possess the power to shape our emotional landscape in profound ways.

Evolutionary History Of Emotions

The connection between human interaction and emotional well-being is deeply rooted in our evolutionary history. As social beings, humans have evolved to thrive in communities and rely on interpersonal relationships for survival and growth. From early childhood to adulthood, our emotional states are molded by the quality of interactions we experience. A warm hug from a loved one, a reassuring word from a friend, or even a kind gesture from a stranger can trigger positive emotions such as joy, comfort, and a sense of belonging.

Alleviate Negative Emotions With Interactions

Human interactions also hold the potential to alleviate negative emotions. Venting frustrations to a sympathetic listener can provide relief, while sharing our experiences and challenges can foster empathy and understanding. The act of opening up to someone, even when vulnerability is involved, can lead to a sense of catharsis and emotional release. In this way, engaging with others can serve as a therapeutic outlet, allowing us to process emotions more effectively.

In today’s digital age, technology has expanded the scope of human interactions beyond physical proximity. Virtual connections, through social media, messaging apps, and video calls, can still carry emotional weight. Receiving a heartfelt message or participating in an online support group can generate feelings of connectedness, despite the physical distance. However, it’s essential to recognize that the depth and authenticity of these interactions can vary, and in-person connections often provide a richer emotional experience.

Negative Emotion

On the flip side, negative human interactions can have adverse effects on emotions. Hurtful words, exclusion, or conflict can lead to feelings of sadness, anger, and even loneliness. It’s crucial to be mindful of the impact our words and actions can have on others and strive to create positive and supportive environments for emotional growth.


In conclusion, human interactions are potent agents of emotional change. Whether through physical presence or virtual connection, the exchanges we have with others can shape our emotional states, influencing our well-being in profound ways. By recognizing the impact of our interactions and cultivating meaningful relationships, we can harness the power of human connection to foster positive emotions and promote emotional resilience.