Rogaine Flakes Part 2: propylene glycol is the culprit?

Rogaine Flakes Part 2: propylene glycol is the culprit?

Here’s part 1 The basic question: What’s causing these Rogaine flakes? 1. Dried Rogaine? 2. Dandruff resulting from an irritated scalp? It appears—at this point still far from 100% on this—but, it seems the answer might be number 2 and that...
Rogaine Flakes Part 2: propylene glycol is the culprit?

What Are These Rogaine Flakes?

So, this isn’t a rhetorical question that I know the answer to… I tried the search engine machine but—as it happens sometimes—it didn’t lead me to an answer that I felt confident about. Truth be told, the very first result was in a rather...