December 13, 2021

December 13, 2021

The inflammatory pain in the gluteal area that I wrote about in October and November has for the most part subsided now. I’d say things had calmed down a lot by December 1. I had taken the Prednisone, and that helped. But, I think the biggest help was really...
Last day of Prednisone

Last day of Prednisone

November 29, 2021 So, I just completed the latest course of Prednisone. As I’ve discussed before, I’ve gone through the Prednisone scripts maybe four times or so since I had the major back surgery in August 2020. That was now 15.5 months ago. I’ll...
Last day of Prednisone

7th Day of Prednisone

Well, what can I say except it amazes me how well this anti-inflammatory pill works for me! If you’ve looked at this site at all you know that I had a major back surgery 15 months ago. It was a two level fusion from s4->L1. And, I must have been in pretty bad...
Last day of Prednisone

4th day back on Prednisone

So, it’s in the title: 4th day back on Prednisone today on November 19, 2021. I see on Nov. 8, 2021 I say that the inflammation is finally going down. And, that was the case. And, I stopped taking classes because of the inflammation. So, I’ve been going to...